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Sejujurnya tipu klau aku tak pernah tak rasa macam ni, ye tahu kita dah cukup kuat, tapi at the same time senang betul nak nangis ☺️

You only have paper and pencil to write your future stories but you don't have an eraser to erase your old stories.

Tiap kali raya mesti ada kes atau cerita yang mak ayah diabaikan anak. Anak anak sudah lama tidak pulang jenguk mak ayah dan laju saja orang sekeliling kita menghentam anak tersebut tanpa mengetahui cerita sebenar :) bercerita mengenai pengalaman. Kadang bukan anak tu taknak balik langsung jenguk mak ayah cuma hati dan jiwa tu masa trauma dengan apa yang berlaku dulu sehingga menyebabkan anak tu membawa diri jauh. Jadi jangan la pukul orang sama rata tak semua anak tu biadap dan derhaka buang mak ayah dia. Cuma ada masa lalu yang membuatkan mereka tidak kembali pada mak ayah mereka. Tapi apa pon mereka masih mak ayah kita, jangan berputus asa berdoa walaupun kita berjauhan dari mereka.

[ Untuk mereka yang ada broken family:) ]

sedang membiasakan diri untuk terus kelihatan baik-baik saja,

walaupun hakikatnya sedang hancur sehancur-hancurnya :)

Adakah aku yang terlalu perasan dan berharap atau dia yang sengaja buatku tertanya akan perasannya terhadap ku? Berhenti bagi 'mixed feeeling' yang akhirnya menyakiti kedua pihak.

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From time to time we tend to chase perfection in different kinds of situations and forget that being perfect is boring. I think that we tend to be perfect because we compare ourselves with other people, but where is the fun then? We are unique and that is what makes us different and beautiful. This may sound a little weird but when you are proud of your imperfections then the power is in your hands. Because in life all depends on us and I think that we are capable to do of anything we want.

At some point in my life, I understood that being imperfect is like a game that requires your full interaction with your needs and your real thoughts. It means that you have to enjoy the journey of defining yourself and loving yourself more and more every day. When we chase to be perfect with others and achieve perfection from a situation, we forget what our needs are and our eyes are only on the destination not on the journey. Practically we forgot about our inner desires. The world would be a better place if people would see the real perspective of life. A perspective that helps you to manage all your emotions, beliefs, and behaviors.

I already pick a side, the imperfection- I realize that being perfect is not what I want to chase anymore because being perfectly imperfect is much lovable. I wake up, I look in the mirror, admire my scars and also the beautiful parts. As humans beings, we already know what our soul wishes for.

They say we all see the same moon
In the literal sense I guess we do
Figuratively speaking, she's my world
I revolve around her
Every action I take is granted by her consideration
She only sees me when the sun is set
When there are no bright distractions in her day
I am merely her peace at night
Even though I am closer to her than any sun
My reach feels the furthest from her
Her life revolves around her sun, I simply follow suit
I am seen by many
Understood by none
I grant some hope and deliverance
Others, a sense of loneliness
No one has yet to uncover everything I have to offer
Maybe one day
My world will see what I am to her

Aku jeke sorang yang rasa bila dah besar ni tak rasa excited sangat nak raya? Rasa macam biasa je 🤣


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But I can't call it heartbreak right?
Cause I mean, we never even dated
And I can't call it heartbreak
Because there was someone else she was in love with
And I can't call it heartbreak
Because she was never mine
And I was never hers

We were just friends
I'm not allowed to miss you in this way

rumah rasa "kosong" kalau mamma ayah takde. 🥹

Hi korang, nak mintak tolong sikit boleh? ❤️

   🕺 React sini 🕺
🕺 React sini jugak 🕺

Thank you yang tolong 😳Semoga Allah balas kebaikan korang ❤️
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She does not need saving
But I saved a spot for her in the seat next to mine
She fights her own battles
But I ensure she goes to war prepared
She speaks her own truth
But I make sure her truth is heard
She can do it on her own
But I make sure she'll never have to
She lives in present
He plans ahead for the future
She'll leave if it gets too much
He'll stay just in case and lighten the load
She doesn't need him
But all he wants is her

Sometimes the people we love don't love us back. But the worst part is they can't even let us go. They can love whoever they want while we stand beside them as their friend taking their side in their relationship troubles. When we tell them we want to leave them, they pull us back in and start questioning our friendship. What a waste of us... right? Some people give us just enough light that they can make us stick through a lot of darkness. So unfair.

"I don't understand why are you doing these things for me"

"It's simple because I want to make you feel special, silly"

"But we are not even dating"

"Oh I didn't know there has to be a tag attached to this thing"

"No it's just that I don't trust anyone easily"

"Oh I understand that thing very deeply"

"So you too have gone through some shit"

"Yeah we all have gone or going through something"

"You know it's kind of poetic, not knowing anything about someone but still hoping for them to notice that click. The click that has you thinking of them for a whole day. Which keeps your bad, depressing thoughts at bay, because they occupy your each and every thought. And then you start to pray"

"Pray for them to notice you, and the urge to make them feel how they make you too, feel anti-introvert to follow through. And for me it's you. That's why I am doing what I am doing, only for you"

I wish I can be smile happily everytime but in my heart I feel like rollercoaster inside 😌

It's been a while but
I don't want to lose the sound of your voice so, can we talk?
Would it sound like I care too much if I asked how life is going?
I don't want to sound desperate but do you ever think of me?
I hope it doesn't sound like I miss you too much if I ask, do you miss me?
It's been a while and I'm afraid I'll forget your face so, can we have a second first date?

Bila tengok ramai antara kawan aku dah ada pasangan masing-masing aku anggap rezeki diaorang kahwin awal, dan bila orang tanya aku "bila nak kahwin? " aku dah hadap soalan ni banyak kali dah 😆 , so jawapan yang senang "rezeki Allah datang pada waktu yang tepat" 😄

2024/05/08 01:45:02
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